ePortal Maintenance
The ePortal will be down for required maintenance on Thursday, July 06, 2023, between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you are disclosing your written submission while the ePortal is not available you must disclose by ONE of the following alternate methods:
- By EMAIL to:
- the Assessment Taxation Business Unit at asmttribunal@calgary.ca,
and to
- the Assessment Review Board (ARB) at info@calgaryARB.ca.
- By MAIL to:
- the Assessment Taxation Business Unit, at
Assessment Taxation Business Unit
PO Box 2100, Station M,
#8002 Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
and to
- the Assessment Review Board (ARB) at
Calgary Assessment Review Board
PO Box 2100, Station M, #222
Calgary, AB T2P 2M5
Please Note: Service of a document sent by mail is presumed to be effected 7 days from the date if mailing if the document is mailed in Alberta to an address in Alberta, or 14 days from the date of mailing if the document is mailed in Canada to an address in Canada. (Interpretation Act, RSA 2000 C. I-8 section 23)
- the Assessment Taxation Business Unit, at
Assessment Taxation Business Unit
2924 11 Street NE Calgary, AB
and to
- the Assessment Review Board (ARB) at
Calgary Assessment Review Board
1212 31 Avenue NE, 4 Floor
Calgary, AB
Please Note: The ARB office will also be closed on Thursday, July 6, 2023 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Should you need to drop information off to the ARB during this time, please note there is a black drop box located on the first floor down the hallway on the west side of the building.
If you are trying to access documents that have been submitted to ePortal but you are not able to do so while the ePortal is not available, please contact the ARB:
- By email at info@calgaryARB.ca; or
- By telephone at 403-268-5858.